au pire: the podcast by salut beauté

it's always strange - and reassuring - to imagine that every project, every success, every accomplishment once started out empty. a success story, if it seems brilliant when it imposes itself on us, has necessarily been built on its share of galleys, doubts and failures. in "au pire", the founders of salut beauté welcome inspiring women to their microphones who have all, in their own way, taken the plunge... and who have survived. "au pire" is the podcast to play down failure and conquer the world with complete peace of mind.

July 27, 2023

marina rollman

since we discovered her, Marina has put on a show, presents her own column on France Inter - which is always of infinite accuracy and finesse (but where does she find so much inspiration?) - and has also made several short films. in short, she touches everything, with this indescribable chatter that is hers.

July 27, 2023

caroline vigneaux

Caroline put away her lawyer's dress to make people laugh and act funny. his journey speaks to us and obviously interests us greatly, being adept at life changes that make parents cry and trigger sideways glances. obliques until, of course, Caroline ends up at Olympia.

July 27, 2023

adèle castillon

How many lives can one have lived at just 20 years old? It's kind of the first question that comes to mind when we see what happened in Adèle's life. with matthieu, they created videoclub in 2018. and in 2018 they were… 16 years old.

June 21, 2023

rokhaya diallo

author, journalist, director but above all activist, even fighter, rokhaya fights against racism, against sexism and against all their symptoms.

february 7, 2023

lucie basch

we are delighted to welcome lucie, founder of too tood to go, one of the most important apps to have on your phone in 2023. this app allows merchants to offer their unsold items at low prices to individuals.

november 9, 2022

barbara pravi

since eurovision, all of europe has discovered her gentleness and her sparkling eyes and she has been performing concerts almost everywhere. barbara is for us a model of determination, strength, but also fragility.

may 16, 2022

camille aumont carnel

live episode - camille is the creator of "je m'en bats le clito" (@jemenbatsleclito), an incredible, visionary instagram account, which allows more than 700,000 people to feel better in their lives and in their sexuality.

february 27, 2022

juliette levy

“au pire, we will have had a good time and we will have learned a lot of things”. juliette analyzes her career with hindsight, when oh my cream now has 20 multi-brand stores, 100 employees and continues to grow.

february 27, 2022

shanty baehrel

shanty biscuits, launched in 2013, floods weddings, trade shows and events of all kinds with small personalized cookies with heartfelt messages. she tells us about the different stages, the doubts, the first years working like a relentless...

february 27, 2022

julia bijaoui

in 2015, julia co-founded frichti, which quickly became a real must-have on the plate of parisians. in this episode, julia tells us about her first entrepreneurial setbacks, how she manages the association with her spouse and her daily philosophy in entrepreneurship and in life.

february 27, 2022


l'impératrice continues her musical conquest. after a remarkable passage at coachella, it is the flight for the french group. we wanted to take an interest in this famous dream, shared by so many: to launch into music, or more broadly, to live from one's passion.

february 27, 2022

elise goldfarb and julia layani

elise & julia grew up brandishing their outspokenness and their incredible ability to break the codes in the media. in this episode, we talk about school setbacks, difficulty finding one's place, but also about resilience, ambition and above all the dream of elise and julia: to change minds so that the next generation does not have to endure intolerance.

february 27, 2022


louane, 25 years old, 3 albums to her credit and several films too. from 16-year-old teenager to 25-year-old woman, louane tells us about her way of seeing things, her philosophy, the “hard stuff” that shaped her.

february 27, 2022

marion séclin

marion séclin is a modern philosopher, youtube and instagram poet, occasional model, unboxing pro, activist, feminist figure, screenwriter, director and actress. we talked about passion, discomfort, alignment with oneself, the feminist fight and all that it implies.